Call Me ILL (Excerpt 1)
depression is black
laced in the hairs of –
my dermis
caught and tangled
smooth in the palm,
brittle and salty,
caked between the
skin beneath my septum.
i would plead for peace,
pay for sanity.
give thirty pieces of silver
to betray anyone for a piece –
of hope,
silence from a demon
who perches atop my sun.
my palm cradles a cure,
i question their placebo
prescribed by doctors –
already gave up on my recovery.
give me anything to silence
my discomfort.
any outcome they earn a dollar.
i stay somber
wet with grief,
traded into isolation for the peace
of my loved ones tired of my ill.
depression is black
like cuffs around my wrist –
when they label me psychotic
and restraint is a cure,
the colour behind my lids
when I pray to God for a
or a pill to return me back home
stable and normal,
able to be loved
i question God’s love for me.
how he made me sad
and unimportant.
depression is unimportant,
I feel unimportant.
amidst the continuing
physicians that violate every
thought I once held secret.
try to name me ill, and incompetent,
anything but a child of God,
incapable to earn some forgiveness for sanity.
they see God has already turned his back
I feel his back to my son
depression is guilt for
missed birthdays and graduations,
money wasted on tickets,
the concerts awaiting my applause.
tears that my mother is tired of wiping,
the eggshells crunching under the concern of questions,
9 scars that haunt my forearm
I’m tired of crying
saying curses to every morning I awaken
looking at shrinking pill bottles and
wondering when I can exist without them.
depression is a weapon
and I have been assaulted
though I am not victim,
just human.
T. Banks